We protect businesses,
brands and values

NORDSAGE is an independent consulting firm that operates in the sphere of corporate Risks, Crisis management and business security. Our core values are integrity, confidentiality, clarity and consistency. Our preventive and corrective services can be divided into four blocks:


Information gathering, verification and analysis, Monitoring
Due diligence screenings of various levels of depth as well as specialized information gathering assignments, which allow the Clients to take thought out decisions based on the facts. Business information gathering can be performed in various economically active regions.


Detective services, criminal law
Mostly reactive consulting services that allow the Client to understand the causes of specific incidents or turbulences and take further measures to reduce the losses and / or introduce the procedures to reduces the risks of similar incidents in the future. Service involves the representation of the Client in various state institutions.

Risk management

Preventive measures
Preventive services to identify and reduce business security related risks. General security and information security audits, personal and organization security, technical security, Whistleblower reporting system and related services.

Crisis management

Emergency response
Emergency response and crisis management services for organizations facing various kinds of crisis situations. Typically Crisis management services include emergency response, initial investigation of the incident and situation, crisis communication, measures to reduce turbulences and potential loss.
Local approach, global reach. The Network of NORDSAGE partner organizations and contract consultants ensures that NORDSAGE can provide a wide range of risk and crisis management services in various economically active regions of the World. Since 2018 NORDSAGE is a member of the international risk and security consulting companies' group - React Risk Advisory. Currently React Risk Advisory group is represented in Sweden, Poland, Latvia and the United Arab Emirates.
SIA Seccredo is becoming NORDSAGE!15.03.2021

SIA Seccredo has decided to enter a new level in our company’s evolution and develop a new and independent brand – NORDSAGE.

We are grateful and honored for the time we had the opportunity to hold the Seccredo name and brand. We strongly believe in the core values the Seccredo brand carries and we will continue to carry these values: integrity, confidentiality, clarity, and consistency. Our team of dedicated professionals remains and expands. NORDSAGE will continue to provide the same security risk management services in four main areas: Intelligence, Investigations, Risk management, and Crisis management.

Our company name will be changed to NORDSAGE. Other Company details like registration number, address, phone numbers, bank details remain the same.

The new web page is NORDSAGE.COM and the LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/company/nordsage/

If you have questions, please contact us:
phone number: +371 67 221 828

We are looking forward to successful cooperation in the future!



Background screenings and Due Diligence

To obtain and verify information on various entities NORDSAGE offers standardized screenings of various levels of depth. At each level, the Client is offered a certain amount of information that is gathered and analyzed in the specific screening – depending on the objectives stated by the Client.

Also, screenings can be performed taking into account specific objectives stated by the Client. For example - asset tracking, contact information, location or others.

Research and analysis

NORDSAGE has wide and international experience in the execution of various research and analysis projects. Typical examples include risk and security evaluations in specific market segments of certain regions or countries. This can include for example, topics related to organized crime, illegal circulation of excise goods and other themes.

When executing Research and analysis assignments abroad, NORDSAGE resources allow using the competencies of local partner entities or contract consultants. This gives a competitive advantage to NORDSAGE Clients, especially when combined with the experience and knowledge of NORDSAGE’s own staff.

Data processing and analysis

Often in relation to Research and Analysis services, NORDSAGE provides services related to the processing and analysis of large volumes of data. Typically, these kinds of assignments are related to an investigation of internal or external fraud cases. When performing these types of services NORDSAGE used highly qualified personnel, modern technologies and methodology. Most often consulting services related to data processing and analysis are provided to Clients from the finance industry.

The essence of this service is to provide the Client with a clear, comprehensible form of information that can be of use in the context of the Client’s objectives and originates from the initial large and incomprehensible volumes of unsystematized data.

Country analysis and travel security

Entrepreneurship in a foreign country requires certain knowledge and understanding of the local environment. This is valid in cases if it is a short business trip or a long-term business investment project.

NORDSAGE Country analysis and Travel security reports provide security related base information that one needs to know on the specific territory; it helps organizations to prepare and assess the risks related to operation in the specific foreign territory. From the Reports Client can obtain an understanding of the current security situation in the region, political stability, business environment, overall economic situation and others.

Travel security reports are directed towards personal security providing information on the risk factors in the specific region.


All information gathering performed by the NORDSAGE is based on an agreement concluded between the Client and NORDSAGE. The agreement includes legal aspects of data processing, NORDSAGE’s obligations and responsibilities according to legal regulations.

In all its actions NORDSAGE complies with the local and international legislation.

An international network of NORDSAGE partner organizations and contract consultants allows performing background screenings in any economically active region of the World.

To receive a detailed proposal on consulting services please contact NORDSAGE.


Investigations and detective services

NORDSAGE has extensive and international experience in providing consulting services related to an investigation of crimes in finances and the economy. Typically NORDSAGE offers its services to organizations in cases of fraud, threat situations or other illicit actions.

If needed NORDSAGE involves operative resources – consultants that have received the Detective’s certificate (in accordance with legal requirements of the corresponding jurisdiction).

When providing consulting services related to investigations, NORDSAGE can involve other available competencies – crisis situation response, intelligence, information security and others.

Asset identification and recovery

Often within investigation or other consulting services, NORDSAGE resources are used to track and identify the assets in various jurisdictions. Often information obtained in these assignments is used by the Clients in further court proceedings.

Representation in state authorities

When providing consulting services to organizations that have faced criminal offenses, NORDSAGE can provide a competent and authorized representative of the Client’s organization in corresponding law enforcement institutions. Involved NORDSAGE consultants have extensive experience of work in law enforcement institutions as well as the private sector.

Intellectual property protection

Resources available to NORDSAGE allow helping its corporate Clients to investigate how counterfeited products are being manufactured, exported and realized. NORDSAGE international network of partner entities and contract consultants allows us to investigate irregularities in dangerous and complicated environments. Often to investigate and prevent the trade of counterfeited products, assignments are performed involving and cooperating with corresponding local law enforcement institutions.

Risk management


NORDSAGE experience shows that the best way to evaluate risk management procedures and practices in an organization is audit, or objective assessment of the situation. NORDSAGE uses an adaptive approach and together with the Client develops and proposes Risk management audits in the needed level of depth and by focusing the assessment towards identified risk areas. The result of the Risk management audit is a report which includes conclusions and recommendations.

Often, after the audit is performed, NORDSAGE provides further consulting services to prevent identified threats or flaws and reduce the risks in the organization.

General security audit – standardized company’s risk management assessment which typically is performed in two main steps:

- initial assessment; during this step an information gathering and verification is performed in the Client’s organization. Most often this step also consists of interviews with management, collection of data on the company’s operation – security incidents, threats, risks, internal regulations and documentation.

- Assessment of identified risk areas and factors.

Information security audit – term Information security refers to processes and methods, which are developed and put into practice, to protect printed, electronic or other types of private or secret information, as well as data, from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, termination, modification or damage.

Information security audit includes an assessment of circumstances, preparation of conclusions and recommendations on the information security situation in the Client’s organization, or for example, in specific premises or structural unit.

Fire safety and civil defense audit – audit is performed by NORDSAGE contract consultant – a specialist in emergency situations and fire safety. The objective of this audit is to verify the Organization’s existing fire safety and civil defense documentation and regulations, compliance of the company’s premises and equipment to the Legislation and regulations of the Fire Safety and Civil defense legislation, as well as to assess the actual readiness of the company’s personnel to act in the emergency situations.

As the result of the Audit, the Client is provided with a detailed report which includes the evaluation of the specialist on the fire safety and civil defense situation in the organization’s premises as well as the recommendation on the improvements to be made to reduce the corresponding risks.

Training and seminars

The crucial aspect of risk management is the education and training of the personnel. It includes management level personnel, as well as the staff of the front office, back office and new employees. NORDSAGE has extensive experience and qualified personnel to develop and execute various training programs in the fields of general security, risk and crisis management.

NORDSAGE develops specific training programs in an electronic environment or can perform training of the personnel in face to face lectures and situation simulations of various depths.

Information security and technological support

NORDSAGE provides to its Clients various specialized information security and IT security technical support services. If requested by the Client, an International network of NORDSAGE partner organizations allows involving specialists from Northern and Western Europe with international experience.

Crisis management

NORDSAGE personnel is trained and certified under Crisis management methodology Resilient Leadership. NORDSAGE consultants have obtained wide experience by providing consulting services in various crisis situations in a corporate environment in Baltic countries, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.

Typically support to the Client’s organization in a crisis situation involves several segments of NORDSAGE consulting services. The most essential sections of Crisis management consulting services are:

- Emergency response, crisis situation support

- Crisis communication

- Crisis management assessment

- Crisis management training


An international network of partnership and contract consultants is one of the most important resources that provide possibilities for NORDSAGE to offer various risk management advisory services in different economically active regions of the world.


SecUA Risk Advisory

SecUA is a risk and security consulting firm that specializes in supporting Western and international companies operating in Ukraine and Post-Soviet countries. SecUA is a part of the international security-risk advisory group React Risk Advisory.

SecUA comprises a cultural understanding of the business environments of Ukraine as well as the Western world. A team of professionals has the necessary skills and experience to provide operational support in the field of risk and security to clients facing turbulences and disturbances in their business operations in Ukraine.

SecUa culture grounds on integrity, confidentiality, a responsible and legal operation that complies with local and international law.



NaviRisk is a global network of business risk, intelligence, cybersecurity and security consulting companies. NaviRisk was established to respond to the needs of multinational companies looking for local access to world-class services and consulting, regardless of time zone and locations. As a risk, intelligence and security companies are usually present in one city or country, NaviRisk offers a global capability that can respond to multinational clients' needs much more efficiently than an isolated company.


React Risk Advisory

React Risk Advisory is a leading Swedish advisory firm in Security Risk Management. React Risk Advisory works with four core areas: Intelligence, Risk, Security and Crisis, as well as two methods; Proactive and Reactive. Due to long experience from many sectors in different parts of the world, we are somewhat experts on advanced problem solving.

React Risk Advisory has vast experience in the security risk management industry internationally. They have assisted companies within all our areas of expertise in many parts of the world – this includes but is not limited to the pharmaceutical, confectionery, automotive, engineering, finance and construction industries. However, they also work with law firms, authorities and property companies regularly.


Latvijas Tirdzniecības un Rūpniecības Kamera (LTRK)

Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is the biggest association of entrepreneurs in Latvia uniting 6000 members – micro, small, medium and large enterprises of all regions and industries, associations, city business clubs and other unions of entrepreneurs. Association represents interests of entrepreneurs, as well as provides services, so that Latvia has excellent enterprises in an excellent business environment. Main sectors of its activities are the business environment, the competitiveness of enterprises, export.

Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is founded on 21 December 1934 and is a member of the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBRES) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).



WhistleblowingManagement.eu – whistleblowing managed services supported by a European network of impartial case managers, leading software providers, and insurance carriers.

WBM.EU supports private and public organizations in the EEA with the outsourcing of their whistleblowing management. The organization is supported by an EU network of expert firms specialized in the areas of whistleblowing management and investigations.

As an external case handler, WBM.EU supports with first response, triage/risk assessments, and escalation management for which have developed a proprietary methodology based on best practices. WBM.EU EU network also has the capabilities to support clients with investigations and legal opinions.


Adrese Marupes street 2
Riga, LV-1002

Reg. nr.: 40103738376
VAT. nr.: LV40103738376
If You are interested to obtain more detailed information on NORDSAGE company, provided services, terms and conditions, costs, required time or other questions, please contact us!

We will gladly provide You more detailed information, as well as in case of specific interest we will prepare a consulting services proposal which will include assignment specification, terms and conditions, cost and required time.

The information contained in the website of SIA NORDSAGE, within the meaning of intellectual property rights, is considered to belong to SIA NORDSAGE. Unauthorized use or quotation of this information without the permission of SIA NORDSAGE is prohibited (this does not include the right to get acquainted with the content of this website).

© 2021 NORDSAGE, SIA Visas tiesības aizsargātas | Sīkdatņu politika