An international network of partnership and contract consultants is one of the most important resources that provide possibilities for NORDSAGE to offer various risk management advisory services in different economically active regions of the world.
SecUA Risk Advisory
SecUA is a risk and security consulting firm that specializes in supporting Western and international companies operating in Ukraine and Post-Soviet countries. SecUA is a part of the international security-risk advisory group React Risk Advisory.
SecUA comprises a cultural understanding of the business environments of Ukraine as well as the Western world. A team of professionals has the necessary skills and experience to provide operational support in the field of risk and security to clients facing turbulences and disturbances in their business operations in Ukraine.
SecUa culture grounds on integrity, confidentiality, a responsible and legal operation that complies with local and international law.
NaviRisk is a global network of business risk, intelligence, cybersecurity and security consulting companies. NaviRisk was established to respond to the needs of multinational companies looking for local access to world-class services and consulting, regardless of time zone and locations. As a risk, intelligence and security companies are usually present in one city or country, NaviRisk offers a global capability that can respond to multinational clients' needs much more efficiently than an isolated company.
React Risk Advisory
React Risk Advisory is a leading Swedish advisory firm in Security Risk Management. React Risk Advisory works with four core areas: Intelligence, Risk, Security and Crisis, as well as two methods; Proactive and Reactive. Due to long experience from many sectors in different parts of the world, we are somewhat experts on advanced problem solving.
React Risk Advisory has vast experience in the security risk management industry internationally. They have assisted companies within all our areas of expertise in many parts of the world – this includes but is not limited to the pharmaceutical, confectionery, automotive, engineering, finance and construction industries. However, they also work with law firms, authorities and property companies regularly.
Latvijas Tirdzniecības un Rūpniecības Kamera (LTRK)
Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is the biggest association of entrepreneurs in Latvia uniting 6000 members – micro, small, medium and large enterprises of all regions and industries, associations, city business clubs and other unions of entrepreneurs. Association represents interests of entrepreneurs, as well as provides services, so that Latvia has excellent enterprises in an excellent business environment. Main sectors of its activities are the business environment, the competitiveness of enterprises, export.
Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is founded on 21 December 1934 and is a member of the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBRES) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). – whistleblowing managed services supported by a European network of impartial case managers, leading software providers, and insurance carriers.
WBM.EU supports private and public organizations in the EEA with the outsourcing of their whistleblowing management. The organization is supported by an EU network of expert firms specialized in the areas of whistleblowing management and investigations.
As an external case handler, WBM.EU supports with first response, triage/risk assessments, and escalation management for which have developed a proprietary methodology based on best practices. WBM.EU EU network also has the capabilities to support clients with investigations and legal opinions.